Stool Specimen For Culture, VRE, Ova & Parasites, Clostridium Difficile Toxin A & B
General Instructions
- Use the bar code label with the patient’s name and ID to identify each specimen.
- Due to short stability, specimens must be collected and shipped to the laboratory Monday through Friday only.
Stool Culture
For the recovery of enteric pathogens, the stool specimen must be submitted in a Stool C & S Transport Vial. Fill only to the indicated line on the vial. Do not overfill, as this may cause the vial to leak. This transport system is stable for up to 4 days at room temperature or refrigerated. Do not freeze.
Stool for VRE
The stool specimen for VRE must be submitted to an Amies gel transport swab. Specimen is stable for 2 days at refrigerated or room temperature.
Ova & Parasites
The stool specimen must be preserved in an Ova & Parasite Kit.
The Kit consists of two vials: 1 Pink Cap (10% Formalin) and 1 Gray Cap (ZN-PVA). Fill only to the indicated line on the vial. Do not overfill, as this may cause the vial to leak. This transport system is stable for up to 180 days at room temperature. Do not freeze.
Clostridium Difficile Toxin A &B
The stool specimen must be submitted in the Sterile Cup (Orange). Refrigerate at 2°-8°C.
The specimen may be frozen if unable to ship the same day of collection.