PD Peritonitis Collection Method
Peritonitis Collection Method - DOWNLOAD
New Collection Methods: Peritonitis Tests
We recommend the BD Vacutainer Eclipse® Collection Needle with Tube Holder for the tests indicated below. Using this device takes advantage of vacuum pressure to automatically fill specimen containers and avoids removal of the containers’ stoppers reducing leakage during transport. In addition, it streamlines collection and makes it safer and more convenient for your staff.
To Assemble the BD Vacutainer Eclipse™ Remove clear protective cover of the collection needle to expose rubber-covered cannula.
Insert cannula into vacutainer port of tube holder and twist to tighten.Fluid for Culture, Routine
- Use two Bactec Culture Bottles (aerobic and anaerobic). Disinfect the Bactec Culture Bottles by wiping the tops of the bottles with a 70% isopropyl alcohol prep pad and leaving the pad on top of the bottle until ready to inoculate.
- Remove green needle cover of the assembled Eclipse device and insert needle into medication port.
- Push the top of the aerobic Bactec Culture Bottle into vacutainer tube holder. This will pierce the stopper and allow the tube to automatically fill.
- Allow fluid to fill until 10mL is collected.
- Remove the aerobic Bactec Culture Bottle from the tube holder.
- Push the top of the anaerobic Bactec Culture Bottle into tube holder (you may use the same tube holder).
- Allow fluid to fill until 10mL is collected.
- Use the barcode labels with patient’s name and ID to identify each Culture Bottle. NOTE: Do not place patient’s barcode label over bottle’s barcode label.
- Hold at room temperature. Specimen should be transported to the laboratory at the next scheduled pickup.
Gram Stain or Fluid for Culture, Fungal & Acid Fast

- Disinfect Yellow Top Tube by wiping tube top with a 70% isopropyl alcohol prep pad.
- Remove green needle cover of the assembled Eclipse device and insert needle into medication port.
- To fill, push the stopper of the Yellow Top Tube into the vacutainer port. This will pierce the stopper and allow the tube to automatically fill (one tube per test ordered).
- Allow fluid to fill until flow ceases.
- Use the barcode label with patient’s name and ID to identify the specimen.
Hold at room temperature. Specimen should be transported to the laboratory at the next scheduled pick-up.
Fluid for Cell Count
- Remove green needle cover of the assembled Eclipse device and insert needle into medication port.
- To fill, push the stopper of the Lavender Top Tube into the vacutainer port. This will pierce the stopper and allow the tube to automatically fill.
- Gently invert tube 8-10 times.
- Use the barcode label with patient’s name and ID to identify the specimen.
- Refrigerate at 2°- 8°C.
- Specimen should be transported to the laboratory, refrigerated, at the next scheduled pick-up.