PT (Prothrombin Time) w/ Reflex to Heparin Neutralization

Specimen Plasma
Container Type Light Blue Top Tube

Stability 2 days
Report Available 1 day
Methodology Optical Clot Detection
PT Reference Range Prothrombin Time: 9.7 – 11.4 seconds
Transport Temp Room temperature. Do not refrigerate.
Instructions Specimen must be received in the laboratory within 48 hours of collection. All Prothrombin Time (PT) with an INR ≥ 5.0 will be reflexed to Heparin Neutralization and reported with the comment attached: “This PT/INR result is from a specimen treated with Heparin Adsorbent and allows the physician to determine approximate values.” The heparin neutralization procedure neutralizes up to 2 units of heparin per 1 mL of plasma. A specimen with more than this amount of heparin cannot be corrected by the neutralization procedure. Failure to clear heparin from access lines will compromise test results. To ensure accurate results, please continue with the protocol of clearing heparin from access lines before drawing specimens.
INR Reference Range:     0.94 – 1.09
Therapeutic Ranges:
Low Dose Anticoagulant:  2.0 – 3.0
High Dose Anticoagulant: 2.5 – 3.5
CPT Code 85610 (PT, INR) 85525 (Heparin Neutralization)